
News 5 July 2024
Vtiger - Nexi Payments integration
Integration with Pay-By-Link to manage payment links directly from Vtiger.

We have developed a new integration with the NEXI Pay-by-Link system, which, through our NexiIntegrator module, speeds up the invoice payment process. Specifically, for one of our clients, we have connected Vtiger to the payment link generation functions, automating their sending to recipients. This way, it is possible to manage payments directly from your Vtiger account once a quote or sales order has been successfully closed.

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News 11 June 2024
We introduce Machli!
We're developing a new interface for Vtiger Open Source

We are working on a new look for Vtiger open source, the Machli interface!

Created with Flutter framework, it's compatible with all versions of Vtiger and accessible via browser, mobile app, and web app.

We have created a video to give you a sneak peek at the new interface, though it will likely undergo changes in the coming months.

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News 15 May 2024
Vtiger - ActiveCampaign integration
Integration between Vtiger and ActiveCampaign in order to limit the conditions for data passage and not exceed the contact limit!

We have developed an integration between Vtiger and ActiveCampaign to automate and optimize the creation of recipient lists by drawing on CRM entities, thus avoiding the need to manually enter data twice.

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News 5 February 2024
Video-pills about Vtiger Open Source are now available
You can find videos about Vtiger functions on Present Spa Youtube channel

We're excited to announce that we'll have a lot of news this year!

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News 6 July 2023
Facebook Leads Ads - Vtiger integration

It’s more and more frequent the need to automate the creation of master data on the CRM using Lead Generations platforms.

Often, our customers ask to connect Facebook – one of the most used solutions to do this – with their CRM Vtiger Open source.

So, we have structured the automatic creation of Leads or Contacts on Vtiger when external users fill in Facebook Leads Ads insertion pages.

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